15 September 2017

When a Narcissist has invaded the White House

Normally, I steer very far clear of political discussions. I find there are two big topics that no one actually listens to one another on: politics and religion. Our current political climate is rife with both.
I openly admit that our current president is not presidential, ever! To say I hate him is incorrect, as I would actually have to care enough about him to have feelings. He is a black hole. He is first and foremost a complete and total narcissist. Now, I am breaking my mandate just by talking about this, but the best way to deal with a narcissist is to ignore him/her. However, in this entire post, the person I am referring to is never given a name. By constantly acknowledging the current president of the United States, we validate him. 
I am so sick and tired of hearing about him every fucking day! “Can you believe he did this?” “Guess what he tweeted today?” I don’t care anymore! I don’t. Yes, I believe everything and anything, because there is nothing too vile for that man to touch it and support it. Why does anyone even follow him on Twitter? Every follower validates him. Every time we mention his name, we validate him. Stop! NOW! You want to talk policy? You want to talk repercussions of current GOP and presidential mandate? I am all for it. Let’s do this! BUT for the love of everyone, stop talking about the current president. Don’t even mention his name. Don’t mention his tweets. Because if you are still surprised by his level of misogyny, racism, complete and utter lack of common sense, elitism, and inability to compose a sentence coherently or even spell correctly, then you should not be part of the discussion anyway. You obviously do not have the mental acuity to participate in the discussion. Sorry, not sorry.

So, I encourage everyone I know and even those I don’t. Spend one week, just one, and don’t even mention his name. You can mention the office, the GOP, the policies, and so forth, but do not acknowledge the man. He isn’t worth acknowledging. Ever!

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