01 September 2017

A New Beginning

Well, I haven’t done this in some time, and it will take me a while to get back in the flow of things. However, I had a friend who was doing research for school, and for some crazy reason 😉 she wanted to interview me. The interview was based on my experiences as a Military wife, and my answers actually sparked her to tell me that I write well and should blog about my experiences. I really am not quite sure I have much to add to most conversations, but since most of my conversations occur within my own mind, I figured what the hell. Maybe getting it down will at least help me.

So I begin this blog again. Now I considered just making a whole new one, but honestly, I am a bookish woman, and I don’t think I could have come up with a better title for my blog, so my solution is to begin again here. To morph what was once just a discussion and listing of the books I’ve read, into something far more encompassing. I encourage discussion on my page, however, there will be no hate allowed here. Everything I write about, I may feel very strongly about, BUT what I write is PURELY MY OPINION! Yes, there will be facts to back up that opinion, but it is mine, and if you want to have a discussion on that opinion that is fine, but judgements and hate will not be tolerated. You will not be engaging in a discussion if that is the path you take, and no one will listen to you, most of all me.

A little about me now. My husband and I have been married since 2001. We have five children. Yes, five children. Three boys and two girls. Our oldest is almost 16 at this point, and the baby will be 1 at the end of September. I choose to stay at home to be with my little one, largely in part because I was when my older kids were little, and also because that cute little hellion is a serious momma’s girl with serious attachment issues, and I don’t wish to traumatize her. I have a B.A. in English Literature and my M.S. in Library and Information Science. I really hope to be able to go back to school before too long and pursue a second Masters degree in Literature, and eventually do on to get my PhD in that particular discipline as well. I LOVE to read. I enjoy crocheting and cross stitch as well. I tend to live in my head far too much, and have a difficult time putting myself out there to make friends, too many poor experiences in the past have gotten in my way in this particular department.

We are currently living in Pristina, Kosovo. This is the first time in my life I have ever been out of the United States. We have been here for about six weeks as of today, and it’s definitely been interesting. I love the area, and the people seem very nice. I can’t speak the language, and I am shit at learning new ones even when I really wish I wasn’t, so that is definitely a challenge. Oh, and we won’t even get into driving around here (well, not in this post at least). We are still adjusting. My kids are going to school, and we are still waiting for our primary personal vehicle so that we can get out and explore more. There are certain cultural differences that have been interesting to navigate, however, I have to say that overall, I am very happy with our choice to live here at this time in our lives and in our children’s lives.

What this blog will entail. Everything and anything. My mind jumps to all sorts of subjects and while I am not old by any means (I am only 38), my life has added to my experiences and my opinions of many subjects. These are things I usually do not put on Facebook or discuss with a lot of people, because while I feel passionately about them, I prefer to avoid arguments and other peoples judgements. Everything I write will be something I feel strongly about and/or have very personal experiences with. I encourage you all to join in the discussion so that we may all lift one another up, or perhaps help someone out there who struggles with the engagement. As I said earlier, the only thing I ask is that you leave hate and judgement elsewhere, because it has no place here, EVER! Have fun, and join me on this merry go round called life. Share with your friends and engage! Thanks!

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