26 May 2011

The Tide Lord Quartet: Books 3 and 4

I finished the series so fast, I haven't been able to collect my thoughts enough to type up anything, so I'm doing the last two books together.
Title: The Tide Lord Quartet: The Palace of Impossible Dreams, Book 3
Author: Jennifer Fallon
Genre: Fantasy
Grade: Adult
Pages: 461

Arkady cannot escape immortals, no matter how much she wishes she could. Sold into slavery by Bryndon to get back at Cayal, Arkady must choose the lesser of two evils. She becomes a very wealthy man's wi-ah (a slave mistress). When swamp fever breaks out in cities, the physician's guild send the physician and his wi-ah into the swamps to "cure" the fever at its source. The swamps are home to many chameleon crasii and before too long, Arkady realizes that the "cure" is a cure for life rather than the death by swamp fever. However, her revelation doesn't come before the Immortal Trinity who protect these creatures find out. Dr. and his wi-ah are tied to the Justice Tree to be devoured by the gobi ant. But wouldn't you know Declean is an immortal now, and he is determined to find Arkady. Can he save her in time?  

Title: The Tide Lords Quartet: The Chaos Crystal, Book 4
Author: Jennifer Fallon
Genre: Fantasy
Grade: Adult
Pages: 476

Saving the world can be tricky business, especially when you have to save it from alot of someones just like you. Declean cannot condone Cayal's death once he realizes that the method to dying is to open a rift in the world and in so doing destroy the world the immortals leave behind. The problem is that those who really understand things, have their own agenda and it's all about them. Can Amyrantha actually survive? Can Arkady survive in a world of immortals?

I have really loved the series.  However, I admit to being disappointed by the ending, simply because the series is suppose to be only 4 books and the way it was ended leaves you really hanging. I'm not expecting neat little wrap ups because that doesn't make a great book either, but there needs to be a happy medium and this one really leaves you.  I loved the story though and found myself both putting the book down because I was afraid of what would happen and totally unable to put them down.

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